Class of 2023…it’s YOUR turn!
The search is on! Now looking for sweet, enthusiastic and adventurous students to represent Gina Chandler Photography’s Seniors of 2023! The Senior Model Team is all about empowering young people, building confidence & having amazing one-of-a-kind portrait experiences in the process. Wanna be a part of exclusive themed shoots, make new friends, have fun AND an incredible experience during your senior year?!
Applicants must currently be a junior, full of personality and love to take pictures. Being active on social media is a plus! No modeling experience needed! This is really low key; fun times, so don’t be be nervous…we will have a blast! And of course be ready to laugh, smile, and strike a pose!
Sound like fun? Interested? Questions? Check out the Model Team FAQ or email me
Be sure to follow me on Instagram @ginachandlerphoto to stay updated on all things SENIOR WEEK! You don’t want to miss this! There will be giveaways, special offers and rising senior spotlights from the model call!
I can’t wait to celebrate Senior Week with all of you AND celebrate the Class of 2023!
Tell your friends! The more the the merrier!