If you’ve lived in Coastal Virginia for the last few years…then you know…IT HASN’T SNOWED IN FOREVER!!! Ok, maybe a little exaggeration, but seriously, it didn’t snow last year or the year before. Not enough to get excited about. So when not just once, but TWICE in a week, we got more than 5 inches of snow…we all became kids again and got excited to go play in it!!
The Model Team as well was ready to put a stamp in their Senior Yearbook with photos in the snow! So, after I made sure we could all safely travel…we met up (and froze!) for some beautiful snowy backdrops!
I am still taking applications for the Class of 2023 Senior Model Team! Does documenting your Senior Year in multiple ways & tons of Perks sound good to you? Come join the team!!
> apply now! <